It is a good idea to know and become friends with your seasonal animal, as it can help you in many ways. It is much more than your relationship. It is also your health, luck, happiness and wealth.
In the east they have great respect for the twelve animal signs, and many people have their animal represented in the form of small figures in their homes, just as it is very popular to have jewelry, key rings etc. with the animal.
The cultivation of the animals is done to highlight their innate qualities and personalities. It is believed that the animal of the year for your birth can bring luck, happiness and wealth – if you are good friends!
For an Easterner, it is important to know which weight distribution of the five elements and which animal sign is associated with one’s birthday. These are natural landmarks in a world where you define yourself based on the relationships you enter into i – more than one defines oneself as a detached individual.
For a Chinese, astrology is thus not an independent discipline that can be practiced at will, but an integral part of Chinese daily life where everything is subject to the goal of creating optimal harmony between yin and yang.
Which, by the way, is not the goal in itself.
The state where there is balance and harmony between yin & yang is not the end in itself, but the position that will potentially bring about the greatest progress, happiness, prosperity and luck, for the individual, the group, the village, the community, the nation and the world as a whole.
Since this optimal state of harmony is assumed to be of a fleeting nature, it can hardly be predicted, let alone consciously and purposefully achieved and maintained. And thereby the mindset of constantly seeking towards the optimal state of harmony becomes a way of living, more than it becomes something to deal with separately.
The Chinese Calendar!
2043 10.2 Year of the Pig WaterYin
2042 22.1 Year of the Dog WaterYang
2041 1.2 Year of the Rooster Metal  Yin
2040 12.2 Year of the Monkey Metal Yang
2039 24.1 Year of the Goat Soil Yin
2038 4.2 Year of the Horse Soil Yang
2037 15.2 Year of the Snake FireYin
2036 28.1 Year of the Dragon Fire Yang
2035Â 8.2Â Year of the Rabbit WoodYin
2034 19.2 Year of the Tiger WoodYang
2033 31.1 Year of the Ox WaterYin
2032 11.2 Year of the Rat WaterYang
2031 23.1 Year of the Pig MetalYin
2030 3.2 Year of the Dog Metal Yang
2029 13.2 Year of the Rooster SoilYin
2028 26.1 Year of the Monkey SoilYang
2027 6.2 Year of the Goat FireYin
2026 17.2Â Year of the Horse Fire Yang
2025 29.1 Year of the Snake WoodYin
2024 10.01 Year of the Dragon WoodYang
2023 22.1 Year of the Rabbit Water Yin
2022 01.01 Year of the Tiger Water  Yang
2021 12.02 Year of the Ox Metal Yin
2020 25.01 Year of the Rat Metal Yang
2019 5.2 Year of the Pig Soil Yin
2018 16.2 Year of the Dog Soil Yang
2017 28.1 Year of the Rooster Fire Yin
2016 8.2 Year of the Monkey Fire Yang
2015 19.2 Year of the Goat WoodYin
2014 31.1 Year of the Horse WoodYang
2013 10.2 Year of the Snake Water  Yin
2012 23.1 Year of the Dragon Water  Yang
2011 3.2 Year of the Rabbit Metal Yin
2010 14.2 Year of the Tiger Metal Yang
2009 26.1 Year of the Ox Soil Yin
2008 7.2 Year of the Rat Soil Yang
2007 18.2 Year of the Pig Fire Yin
2006 19.1 Year of the Dog Fire Yang
2005 9.2 Year of the Rooster WoodYin
2004 22.1 Year of the Monkey WoodYang
2003 1.2 Year of the Goat Water  Yin
2002 12.2 Year of the Horse Water Yang
2001 24.1 Year of the Snake Metal Yin
2000 5.2 Year of the Dragon Metal Yang
1999 16.2 Year of the Rabbit Soil Yin
1998 28.1 Year of the Tiger Soil Yang
1997 7.2 Year of the Ox Fire Yin
1996 19.2 Year of the Rat Fire Yang
1995 31.1 Year of the Pig WoodYin
1994 10.2 Year of the Dog WoodYang
1993 23.1 Year of the Rooster Water  Yin
1992 4.2 Year of the Monkey Water Yang
1991 15.2 Year of the Goat Metal Yin
1990 27.1 Year of the Horse Metal Yang
1989 6.2 Year of the Snake Soil Yin
1988 17.2 Year of the Dragon Soil Yang
1987 29.1 Year of the Rabbit Fire Yin
1986 9.2 Year of the Tiger Fire Yang
1985 20.2 Year of the Ox WoodYin
1984 2.2 Year of the Rat WoodYang
1983 13.2 Year of the Pig Water Yin
1982 25.1 Year of the Dog Water Yang
1981 5.2 Year of the Rooster Metal Yin
1980 16.2 Year of the Monkey Metal Yang
1979 28.1 Year of the Goat Soil Yin
1978 7.2 Year of the Horse Soil Yang
1977 18.2 Year of the Snake Fire Yin
1976 31.1 Year of the Dragon Fire Yang
1975 11.2 Year of the Rabbit WoodYin
1974 23.1 Year of the Tiger WoodYang
1973 3.2 Year of the Ox Water  Yin
1972 15.2 Year of the Rat Water Yang
1971 27.1 Year of the Pig Metal Yin
1970 6.2 Year of the Dog Metal Yang
1969 17.2 Year of the Rooster Soil Yin
1968 30.1 Year of the Monkey Soil Yang
1967 9.2 Year of the Goat Fire Yin
1966 21.1 Year of the Horse FireYang
1965 2.2 Year of the Snake WoodYin
1964 13.2 Year of the Dragon WoodYang
1963 25.1 Year of the Rabbit Water Yin
1962 5.2 Year of the Tiger Water Yang
1961 15.2 Year of the Ox Metal Yin
1960 28.1 Year of the Rat Metal Yang
1959 8.2 Year of the Pig Soil Yin
1958 18.2 Year of the Dog Soil Yang
1957 31.1 Year of the Rooster Fire Yin
1956 12.2 Year of the Monkey Fire Yang
1955 24.1 Year of the Goat WoodYin
1954 3.2 Year of the Horse WoodYang
1953 14.2 Year of the Snake WaterYin
1952 27.2 Year of the Dragon WaterYang
1951 6.2 Year of the Rabbit MetalYin
1950 17.2 Year of the Tiger Metal Yang
1949 29.1 Year of the Ox SoilYin
1948 10.2 Year of the Rat SoilYang
1947 22.1 Year of the Pig FireYin
1946 2.2 Year of the Dog Fire Yang
1945 13.2 Year of the Rooster WoodYin
1944 25.1 Year of the Monkey WoodYang
1943 5.2 Year of the Goat WaterYin
1942 15.2 Year of the Horse WaterYang
1941 27.1 Year of the Snake MetalYin
1940 8.2 Year of the Dragon Metal Yang
1939 19.2 Year of the Rabbit SoilYin
1938 31.1 Year of the Tiger SoilYang
1937 11.2 Year of the Ox FireYin
1936 24.1 Year of the Rat Fire Yang
1935 4.2 Year of the Pig WoodYin
1934 14.2 Year of the Dog WoodYang
1933 26.1 Year of the Rooster WaterYin
1932 6.2 Year of the Monkey WaterYang
1931 17.2 Year of the Goat MetalYin

The Chinese New Year!
In the Chinese calendar, a month always starts when there is a new moon, that is, when the moon is between the earth and the sun and is therefore not visible. When the Chinese New Year starts it is therefore a new moon and when it ends it is a full moon. Exactly, it starts on the day of the second new moon after the day of the winter solstice.
There are 60 possibilities for combining the ten heavenly stems (the five elements in their Yin, feminine version and their Yang, masculine version) as well as the twelve earthly branches (the twelve animal signs). The Chinese years are named based on these two components, which are used sequentially in a 60-year cycle.
The first year of each cycle is called Jia-Zi (Wood-Yang-Rot), the second year Yi-Chou (Wood-Yin-Ox), etc. When you reach the end of one of the components, you start over. The current 60-year cycle ends in 2043.

Jia | Yi

Bing | Thing

Wu | Ji

Gang | Xin

Pure | Yellow

1. Rat

2. Bull

3. Tiger

4. Rabbit

5. Dragon

6. Snake

7. Horse

8. Goat

9. Monkey

10. Rooster

11. Dog

12. Pig
The twelve Chinese animal signs are Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. Due to translation from Chinese, the twelve animal signs are sometimes referred to something different. For example, “Ox” is called “Bull” or “Goat” is called “Sheep”. However, these are only linguistic variants. There are only twelve Chinese zodiac signs.
January  12. Chou 6.1 – 3.2 Ox
February  1 . Yin 4.2 – 5.3   Tiger
March 2 . Mao 6.3 – 5.4   Rabbit
April 3 . Chen 6.4 – 5.5 Â Â Dragon
May  4 . Say 6.5 – 5.6  Snake
June  5 . Wu 6.6 – 5.7 Horse
July 6 . Wei 6.7 Â – 5.8Â Â Â Goat
August  7 . Shen 6.8 – 5.9  Monkey
September  8 . You 6.9 – 5.10  Rooster
October  9 . Xu 6.10 – 5.11   Dog
November  10 . Shark 6.11 – 5.12   Pig
December  11 . Zi 6.12 – 5.1   Rat

Monday Goat Tuesday Dragon Wednesday Horse
Thursday Rat, Pig Friday Rabbit, Snake, Dog
Saturday Ox, Tiger, Rooster Sunday Monkey
For Thursday, Friday, Saturday, several animals are associated. The Chinese calendar has a 60 year cycle and for example the first Thursday in the cycle is assigned to the Rat as it has the lowest number of the animals associated with Thursday (the Rat and the Pig). The next Thursday in the cycle is assigned to the Pig and so on until the 60-year cycle is over.
This means that those whose birthday falls on a Thursday, Friday or Saturday must consult the Chinese calendar to see which animal is associated with their birthday and thus is their True Animal.
1-3 Chou Shi Ox 3-5 Yin Shi Tiger
5-7 Mao Shi Rabbit 7-9 Chen Shi Dragon
9-11 Say Shi Snake 11-13 Wu Shi Horse
13-15 Wei Shi Get 15-17 Shen Shi Monkey
17-19 Du Shi Rooster 19-21 Xu Shi Dog
21-23 Hai Shi Pig 23-01 Zi Shi Rat
You have four!
You have more than a single Chinese animal. In fact, you have four! Your primary animal is from your birth year, but you also have an animal for your birth month, as well as an animal for your birthday and an animal for your birth hour.
The animal for your year of birth is your outer animal. How you are generally perceived and characterized.
The animal for your birth month is your inner animal. How you see yourself and want to be seen.
The animal for your birthday is your true animal. You will increasingly have the characteristics of this animal as you grow older.
The animal for your birth hour is your secret animal. Your inner nature, who you are at your core, personality traits that you possess but hide from the outside world. These can be of both a negative and positive nature.
1. The Rat
The Rat as your outer animal
If you were born in the year 2020, 2008, 1996, 1984, 1972 or 1960, you were born in the year of the Rat. The rat has lucky qualities and is especially good in money matters. A person born in the Year of the Rat is imaginative, charming and a devoted friend and family member who protectively watches over loved ones. The rat is a passionate lover with a deep empathy in love and making love.
The rat as your inner animal
If you were born in December, you have the Rat as your inner animal. This means that the Rotten has some qualities, values, abilities that you possess and identify with. These qualities are an essential part of how you perceive yourself and want to be perceived by others.
The rat as your real animal
If you were born on a Thursday, you can have the Rat as your true animal. Your real animal represents who you will look like as you grow older.
The rat as your secret animal
If you were born in the period 23-01 you have the Rat as your secret animal. This means that what motivates you deep down is money. You are a latent money-grubber and if you could give free expression to your desire for money, you would bathe in money like Joakim Von And. The Rat is particularly characterized by being action-oriented. So if you feel that sometimes things go too slowly, it might be because your secret identity wants to play.
2. The Ox
The bull as your outer animal
If you were born in the year 2021, 2009, 1997, 1985, 1973 or 1961, you were born in the year of the ox and have the Ox as your outer animal. The Ox has an unwavering nature and continues steadily until they reach their goal. The Taurus will sacrifice everything to protect and help their loved ones. The ox possesses great dignity and strong moral feelings. Very stable and rather indomitable in the journey towards its goals. The ox will be your protective and faithful support.
The bull as your inner animal
If you were born in the month of January, you have the Ox as your inner animal. This means that Taurus has some qualities, values, abilities that you possess and identify with. These qualities are an essential part of how you perceive yourself and want to be perceived by others.
The bull as your real animal
If you were born on a Saturday, you can have the Ox as your true animal. Your real animal represents who you will look like as you grow older.
The Ox as your secret animal
If you were born in the period 01-03, you have Taurus as your secret identity | your secret animal! This means that what motivates you deep down is common sense and determination. That things are slowly but steadily developing. The ox is particularly characterized by being a deep thinker and always conscious of achieving his goals. So if you feel that things sometimes wobble too much and lack a fixed course, it’s because your secret identity wants to play.
3. The Tiger
The tiger as your outer animal
If you were born in the year 2022, 2010, 1998, 1986, 1974 or 1962, you were born in the year of the tiger and have Tiger as your outer animal. The Tiger is strong-willed and powerful, Â which gives good opportunities for success in life. The Tiger is extremely competitive, especially when it comes to honoring or protecting those they love and care about. The tiger is the epitome of restlessness, adventure and the urge to challenge life. A Tiger is very charming and fun to be with.
Tiger as your inner animal
If you were born in the month of February, you have Tiger as your inner animal. This means that the Tiger has some qualities, values, abilities that you possess and identify with. These qualities are an essential part of how you perceive yourself and want to be perceived by others.
Tiger as your real animal
If you were born on a Saturday, you can have the Tiger as your true animal. Your real animal represents who you will look like as you grow older.
Tiger as your secret animal
If you were born in the period 03-05, you have Tiger as your secret identity | your secret animal! This means that what motivates you deep down is a sense of adventure and the urge to challenge life. The tiger is the epitome of restlessness. The tiger welcomes every challenge and enemy with unyielding desire and zeal. So if you feel desire and yearn to climb a mountain top, it might be because your secret identity wants to get on the field.
4. The Rabbit
The Rabbit as your outer animal
If you were born in the year 2011, 1999, 1987, 1975 or 1963, you were born in the year of the Rabbit and have the Rabbit as your outer animal. The Rabbit is refined, charming and elegant. The Rabbit is caring and supportive. A Rabbit has good manners, an exquisite style of clothing, loves fun and joy and finds it easy to involve others in this. They are sensitive lovers and seek a partner who can offer security in life.
The Rabbit as your inner animal
If you were born in March, you have the Rabbit as your inner animal. This means that the Rabbit has some qualities, values, abilities that you possess and identify with. These qualities are an essential part of how you perceive yourself and want to be perceived by others.
The Rabbit as your real animal
If you were born on a Friday, you can have the Rabbit as your true animal. Your real animal represents who you will look like as you grow older.
The Rabbit as your secret animal
If you were born in the period 05-07 you have the Rabbit as your secret identity | your secret animal! This means that what motivates you deep down is the consensus that everyone is doing well and being nice to themselves and each other. The Rabbit is supportive, loving and protective. So if you sometimes have an excessive urge to please, or care too much for others, be it people or animals, it might be because your secret identity wants to play.
5. The Dragon
The dragon as your outer animal
If you were born in the year 2012, 2000, 1988, 1976 or 1964, you were born in the year of the dragon and have the Dragon as your outer animal. The dragon is raw power and leadership potential. Dragons think and act big. Dragons actually have enough in themselves, but thrive in relationships with others who also have big arm movements. Dragons strive for success and power. A wounded or abused dragon is a sad sight. This magnificent being refuses to accept defeat with the slightest dignity.
The dragon as your inner animal
If you were born in the month of April, you have the Dragon as your inner animal. This means that the Dragon has some qualities, values, abilities that you possess and identify with. These qualities are an essential part of how you perceive yourself and want to be perceived by others.
The dragon as your real animal
If you were born on a Tuesday, you have the Dragon as your true animal. Your real animal represents who you will look like as you grow older.
The dragon as your secret animal
If you were born in the period 07-09 you have the Dragon as your secret identity | your secret animal! This means that what motivates you deep down are the really big projects, the ones that require big arm movements and where the barrier is quite high. The dragon is often a “larger than life” creature that lives, thinks and acts big. So if you sometimes deal with big plans, and have a great desire to set aside tolerance and flexibility, it may be because your secret identity wants to get on the field.
6. The Snake
The snake as your outer animal
If you were born in the year 2013, 2001, 1989, 1977 or 1965, you were born in the year of the snake and have the Snake as your outer animal. The snake is wise and full of wisdom. The snake puts intuition and emotions above rational thinking and strongly believes in its own intuitions. This makes Snakes particularly suitable for any job where it is important to be at the forefront of developments and be able to gauge the trends of the time.
The snake as your inner animal
If you were born in the month of May, you have the Snake as your inner animal. This means that the Snake has some qualities, values, abilities that you possess and identify with. These qualities are an essential part of how you perceive yourself and want to be perceived by others.
The snake as your real animal
If you were born on a Friday, you can have the Snake as your true animal. Your real animal represents who you will look like as you grow older.
The snake as your secret animal
If you were born in the period 09-11, you have Snake as your secret identity | your secret animal! This means that what motivates you deep down is following your intuition, your own sense of where things are headed. To be at the forefront of developments and be able to gauge the trends of the time. So if you sometimes feel the need to set aside all rationale and just follow your own intuition, it might be because your secret identity wants to play.
7. The Horse
The horse as your outer animal
If you were born in the year 2014, 2002, 1990, 1978 or 1966, you were born in the year of the horse and have the horse as your outer animal. The horse is fast, strong, but difficult to tame. The Horse possesses a raw sex appeal that attracts all the other signs. It is a little more difficult for them to hold on to their partner. As they have an inner longing for freedom and a dormant yearning, they quickly experience love as binding.
The horse as your inner animal
If you were born in the month of June, you have the Horse as your inner animal. This means that the Horse has some qualities, values, abilities that you possess and identify with. These qualities are an essential part of how you perceive yourself and want to be perceived by others.
The horse as your real animal
If you were born on a Wednesday, you have the Horse as your true animal. Your real animal represents who you will look like as you grow older.
The horse as your secret animal
If you were born in the period 11-13 you have Horse as your secret identity | your secret animal! This means that what motivates you deep down is independence and freedom. The horse easily becomes restless and gets bored quickly without challenges and renewal. So if you sometimes feel a dormant yearning, a desire to travel, to meet something new, it might be because your secret identity wants to be on the field.
8. The Goat
The goat as your outer animal
If you were born in the year 2015, 2003, 1991, 1979 or 1967, you were born in the year of the goat and have the Goat as your outer animal. The goat is artistic, charming and stubborn. Goats are not distinctly systematic and not particularly materialistic. They find abundant joy and wealth in their own great inner world. In love, however, the Goat is often a real wasteland and showers his beloved with many and beautiful gifts.
The goat as your inner animal
If you were born in the month of July, you have the Goat as your inner animal. This means that the Goat has some qualities, values, abilities that you possess and identify with. These qualities are an essential part of how you perceive yourself and want to be perceived by others.
The goat as your real animal
If you were born on a Monday, you have the Goat as your true animal. Your real animal represents who you will look like as you grow older.
The goat as your secret animal
If you were born in the time period 13-15, you have Goat as your secret identity | your secret animal! This means that what motivates you deep down is the imagination, inner escapades where anything is allowed and anything can happen. The goat is not distinctly systematic and not particularly materialistic in nature. They find abundant joy and wealth in their own great inner world. So if you’ve sometimes been prone to daydreaming and excessive consumption of suspense novels, it might be because your secret identity wants to come out.
9. The Monkey
The monkey as your outer animal
If you were born in the year 2016, 2004, 1992, 1980 or 1968, you were born in the year of the monkey and have the Monkey as your outer animal. The monkey is clever and cheeky. Monkeys are happy to party. With their energetic festive nature, they are popular. The great zest for life that the Monkey has means that it can be unstable in relationships and its limited self-control can lead it into problems with unrestrained use of food, alcohol, drugs and other abuse.
The monkey as your inner animal
If you were born in the month of August, you have the Monkey as your inner animal. This means that the Monkey has some qualities, values, abilities that you possess and identify with. These qualities are an essential part of how you perceive yourself and want to be perceived by others.
The monkey as your real animal
If you were born on a Sunday, you have the Monkey as your true animal. Your real animal represents who you will look like as you grow older.
The monkey as your secret animal
If you were born in the period 15-17 you have Abe as your secret identity | your secret animal! This means that what motivates you deep down is a great zest for life, “everything must be tried at least once”. The monkey has an appetite for life and likes to spend freely on everything – food, drink, money, etc. So if you sometimes have a great desire to be stimulated and try to fly with a parachute or a bungy jump, it may be because your secret identity would like to be on the field.
10. The Rooster
The Rooster as your outer animal
If you were born in the year 2017, 2005, 1993, 1981 or 1969, you were born in the year of the Rooster and have the Rooster as your outer animal. The Rooster wants to rule and will do their best to succeed. The Rooster is a dream type, always impeccably smartly dressed, very well-groomed and extravagant. Roosters enjoy being the center of attention, being admired, noticed and they can put on quite melodramatic acts if they feel neglected.
The rooster as your inner animal
If you were born in the month of September, you have the Rooster as your inner animal. This means that the Rooster has some qualities, values, abilities that you possess and identify with. These qualities are an essential part of how you perceive yourself and want to be perceived by others.
The rooster as your real animal
If you were born on a Saturday, you can have the Rooster as your true animal. Your real animal represents who you will look like as you grow older.
The rooster as your secret animal
If you were born in the time period 17-19, you have the Rooster as your secret identity | your secret animal! This means that what motivates you deep down is being in the center. To be admired, noticed. Despite their desire to socialize with pretty much anyone and everyone, Roosters are not superficial. They play with open cards and respect those who do the same. If you sometimes feel like being the big orchestra leader for everyone around you, and being appreciated for it, it might be because your secret identity wants to play.
11. The Dog
The dog as your outer animal
If you were born in the year 2006, 2018, 1994, 1982 or 1970, you were born in the year of the dog and have the dog as your outer animal. The dog is loyal, strong and patient. The dog has a strong perception of what is right and what is wrong. If you want to have a good relationship, you must manage to take the Dog’s mile-high standards and bring them down to earth. This sensitive sign does best getting to know other people slowly and gradually.
The dog as your inner animal
If you were born in the month of October, you have the Dog as your inner animal. This means that the Dog has some qualities, values, abilities that you possess and identify with. These qualities are an essential part of how you perceive yourself and want to be perceived by others.
The dog as your real animal
If you were born on a Friday, you can have the Dog as your true animal. Your real animal represents who you will look like as you grow older.
The dog as your secret animal
If you were born in the period 19-21 you have Dog as your secret identity | your secret animal! This means that what motivates you deep down is a mantra in the direction of “live right, protect the small and weak and fight injustice in all its guises, whenever and wherever it appears”. So if you sometimes feel like single-handedly fighting injustice in all its guises, it might be because your secret identity wants to take the field.
12. The Pig
The pig as your outer animal
If you were born in the year 2007, 2019, 1995, 1983 or 1971, you were born in the year of the pig and have the Pig as your outer animal. The pig is the luckiest of all, representing prosperity and a life of abundance. In Chinese astrology, the pig is perceived as the warmest and most venerable of all the twelve animals. Pigs have exquisite taste and manners. A naturally luxurious nature and a sense of aesthetics and quality – in interior design, food, clothes etc.
The pig as your inner animal
If you were born in the month of November, you have the Pig as your inner animal. This means that the Pig has some qualities, values, abilities that you possess and identify with. These qualities are an essential part of how you perceive yourself and want to be perceived by others.
The pig as your real animal
If you were born on a Thursday, you can have the Pig as your true animal. Your real animal represents who you will look like as you grow older.
The pig as your secret animal
If you were born in the period 21-23, you have the Pig as your secret identity | your secret animal! This means that what motivates you deep down is a sense of aesthetics and quality. The pig has exquisite taste and is such a perfectionist that they are sometimes perceived as snobs. But that is a misconception. Pigs simply have a naturally luxurious nature and a sense of aesthetics and quality – in interior design, food, clothes etc. So if you can sometimes get upset over bad taste and style, it might be because your secret identity wants to come out.
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