Knight of Cups
Overall meaning
The Knight of Cups represent proposals, offers, good news and invitations. The news or offers he brings usually carry a lot of excitement. This is the kind of offer or news we hope to receive.
The card shows a proud knight on his horse. He is wearing armor and clothing with fish embroidered on it. – the symbol of the movable astrological water sign. Pisces signifies romance and idealism in love. The knight holds a Cup in his hand as if to offer it or extend it to others.
The card indicates a determination and that a decision has been made. The Knight of Cups indicates idealism, strong passions and refers to the fact that he is sure of his decision, and therefore also leaves all old uncertainty behind. The Knight of Cups is also ready to attack if necessary. The wings on the knight’s helmet suggest the possibilities of spiritual liberation.
The Knight of Cups symbolizes emotional passion, desire and feelings that are expressed sincerely. The Knight of Cups is a poetic dreamer and stands for the super romantic, but he also stands for the one who loves devotedly and with all his heart.
In this way, the card shows something that love is the driving force that drives you forward – but not in such a way that you cannot let go of what you long for if necessary.
The card indicates that concepts such as perfection, idealism and romance color your world in some way. When you draw this card, it is a sign that you have a great amount of passion and a desire to express these feelings fervently. You must recognize your desires and your desire so that you can utilize and master them. But at the same time it is necessary to say no or reject something if it turns out to be necessary.
Other words that could describe the Knight of Cups are: suggestions, offers, invitations, action, follow your heart, chivalry, charm, attraction, love, warmth, gentle, caring, sensitive, artistic, creative, imaginative, tactful, diplomatic, peace-loving , negotiator, diplomat.
The tarot card is associated with number 12 – which in numerology is often reduced to 3 (the sum of 1+2) which means that you must pay attention to these two numbers in relation to the challenge you are asking the tarot about.
The card is associated with the sign Scorpio – known for its emotional passion and longing.
I express myself clearly. I claim Myself. I am prepared to act on what I believe.
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Arcana Major
The Fool I. The Magician II. High Priestess III. Empress IV. The Emperor V. Hierophant VI. Lovers VII. Chariot VIII. Strength IX. Hermit X. Wheel of Fortune XI. Judge XII. Hanged Man XIII. Death XIV. Temperance XV. Devil XVI. Tower XVII. Star XVIII. Moon XIX. Sun XX. Judgment XXI. World
The Ace of Coins | Two Coins | Three Coins | Four Coins | Five Coins | Six Coins | Seven Coins | Eight Coins | Nine Coins | Ten Coins | Coins Page | Knight of Coins | Queen of Coins | King of Coins
Ace of Cups | Two Cups | Three Cups | Four Cups |Â Five Cups |Â Six Cups | Seven Cups | Eight Cups |Â Nine Cups | Ten Cups | Cups Page | Knight of Cups | Queen of Cups | King of Cups
Ace of Swords | Two Swords | Three Swords | Four Swords | Five Swords | Six of Swords | Seven Swords | Eight Swords | Nine Swords | Ten of Swords | Swords Page |Â Knight of Swords | Queen of Swords | King of Swords
Ace of Wands | Two Wands | Three Wands | Four Wands | Five Wands | Six Wands | Seven Wands | Eight Wands | Nine Wands | Ten Wands | Wand's Page | Knight of Wands | Queen of Wands | King of Wands

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