All about Tarot | Pentacles 6

Tarot Pentacles 6
Six of Pentacles

Overall meaning
Six Pentacles represent gifts, kindness and generosity. Someone in your life may be very generous to you with gifts or money or simply generous with their time, knowledge or wisdom. Alternatively, you may have so much wealth and prosperity that you are the one who is able to help others.

If you are in a difficult situation at the moment, this card can indicate that help is available and that someone will help or support you. If you thrive when it appears, remember to share your happiness with those around you!

Six Pentacles show a wealthy man giving Pentacles to two beggars with one hand and holding a scale with his other hand. Thus, two types of roles have been outlined that one can play in life – the giving and the receiving. Giving and receiving is necessary between people, and in the exchange there can be a lot at stake: is it a power relationship, or is it interpersonally healthy exchange.

What is exchanged can be of a material, emotional or energetic nature. It is also about knowing that giving of oneself has a different character than giving of one’s material wealth.

The card symbolizes energy exchanges between people, whether material, emotional or spiritual. The card shows that you probably have a stable economy. There is a balance between income and expenditure. It may indeed be possible to afford to give a gift to others who are in need.

As a side benefit, you come across as generous and likeable. At the same time, the card tells you that you should be open to your success and accept it gratefully and modestly. Be open to the experience of being successful by producing something that deeply motivates and inspires you.

The card may also indicate that you have a deep desire to achieve success in some external project. You achieve this success by being willing to take chances, being committed and trusting your intuition.

Other words that characterize six Pentacles are: gifts, luck in gambling, goodwill, practical help, generosity, an unexpected gift in the form of money, spiritual wealth, charity, donations, money, assistance, support, kindness, prosperity, being appreciated , being well paid, reward for hard work, justice, equality.

The tarot card is associated with number 6, which means that you must pay attention to this number in relation to the challenge you are asking the tarot about.

This is often expressed in the way that in the next 6 days | weeks | months | years it will be advantageous for you to celebrate what has actually been accomplished. Allow yourself something that motivates and inspires you deeply. This will provide fertile ground for more success.

I manage my wealth in the best way for the universe. I give and receive with wisdom.

Tarot | Pentacles, Coins 6

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Arcana Major

The Fool I. The Magician II. High Priestess III. Empress IV. The Emperor V. Hierophant VI. Lovers VII. Chariot VIII. Strength IX. Hermit X. Wheel of Fortune XI. Judge XII. Hanged Man XIII. Death XIV. Temperance XV. Devil XVI. Tower XVII. Star XVIII. Moon XIX. Sun XX. Judgment XXI. World

Tarot Pentacles


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Tarot Swords


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Tarot Wands


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