Nine of Pentacles
Overall meaning
Nine Pentacles represent success, independence, confidence, freedom, security, abundance and prosperity. You’ve worked hard to create the success and status you’re experiencing, and now it’s time to enjoy it. So treat yourself and enjoy the luxury and satisfaction your achievements bring you.
Nine Pentacles show a wealthy woman holding a falcon in one hand. She is standing in a field of grapes, and around her you see the fully ripe fruits hanging on the bushes. The card symbolizes wealth as she is surrounded by nine Pentacles which lie at her feet. The card also symbolizes a satisfaction with what has been achieved.
The falcon symbolizes the intellect and the sharpness that can be developed in thought. The thought is thus tamed, and decisions can thus come from the heart and the intellect in unison. The card symbolizes satisfaction after great effort and trouble.
The card shows that you have prosperity and enjoy it. You have created your own wealth, and it gives you security in the future. You have control over your life and can enjoy life more at home. You are probably able to fully enjoy the sense of satisfaction that your hard work has brought.
You are able to enjoy it in your own company. The card says that the more your pursuit is driven by love, the more you will gain in all life situations. The card can also indicate that you have an important relationship in your life that you have the opportunity to gain from.
Other words that can characterize nine Pentacles are: wisdom, well-being, completion of work, relaxation, harmony with oneself and surroundings, and joy and well-being through material success and achievements.
The tarot card is associated with number 9, which means that you must pay attention to this number in relation to the challenge you are asking the tarot about. This is often expressed in the way that in the next nine days | weeks | months | years it will be advantageous for you that your actions are carried by love. Patience with yourself and doing things guided by your intuition will pay off in all life situations.
I enjoy my wealth. I enjoy the accomplishment of my work.
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Arcana Major
The Fool I. The Magician II. High Priestess III. Empress IV. The Emperor V. Hierophant VI. Lovers VII. Chariot VIII. Strength IX. Hermit X. Wheel of Fortune XI. Judge XII. Hanged Man XIII. Death XIV. Temperance XV. Devil XVI. Tower XVII. Star XVIII. Moon XIX. Sun XX. Judgment XXI. World
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