Three of Pentacles
Overall meaning
Tarot card Three Pentacles represents learning, study and apprenticeship. It also means hard work, determination, dedication and commitment.
Three Pentacles show three men in a church room. One, a workman, perhaps a sculptor, stands on a bench working, holding a Cup in his hand. A monk and a jester stand looking at the blueprints for the building. Above them are carved three Pentacles in a triangle.
The card symbolizes both that a project – a building is growing, but also symbolizes your own personal growth. The card indicates that creativity and love are connected, and that you realize yourself and become more satisfied by putting your whole existence and energy into work.
The card symbolizes that the path to growth and expansion is through persistent work. It indicates that there is still a lot of work to be done on the work or project you are working on. When you draw this card, it is a sign that you are probably determined to stick with and complete your project, no matter how difficult or frustrating the task may be.
It is necessary that you give everything you have in you. But do it, because it pays off. However, make it clear what exactly you want to get out of your efforts in order to work focused and efficient at the same time.
At the same time, the card also suggests that, through a meditative approach to your activities, you will be able to feel a satisfaction in that, when you work, you are fulfilled by the action itself. An experience of wholeness and devotion will follow, which can also be described as the flow you feel when you work.
Other words that could characterize the Three Pentacles card are: success, self-realization through work, painstaking work, persistent effort, workhorse, the craftsman and the designer.
The tarot card is associated with number 3, which means that you must pay attention to this number in relation to the challenge you are asking the tarot about. This is often expressed in the way that in the next 3 days | weeks | months | years it will be advantageous for you to complete the work or project you are working on. The path to growth and expansion is through persistent work.
I give my whole self to the work. I experience meaningfulness in work. I am meditative in my work.
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Arcana Major
The Fool I. The Magician II. High Priestess III. Empress IV. The Emperor V. Hierophant VI. Lovers VII. Chariot VIII. Strength IX. Hermit X. Wheel of Fortune XI. Judge XII. Hanged Man XIII. Death XIV. Temperance XV. Devil XVI. Tower XVII. Star XVIII. Moon XIX. Sun XX. Judgment XXI. World
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Ace of Cups | Two Cups | Three Cups | Four Cups |Â Five Cups |Â Six Cups | Seven Cups | Eight Cups |Â Nine Cups | Ten Cups | Cups Page | Knight of Cups | Queen of Cups | King of Cups
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Ace of Wands | Two Wands | Three Wands | Four Wands | Five Wands | Six Wands | Seven Wands | Eight Wands | Nine Wands | Ten Wands | Wand's Page | Knight of Wands | Queen of Wands | King of Wands

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