Eight of Pentacles
Overall meaning
Eight Pentacles indicates a time of hard work, commitment, diligence and dedication. The effort you put in will not be in vain as your hard work will pay off and lead to results, rewards or the fulfillment of your goals. Along the way it may seem boring and hard, but you are on the verge of achieving great success, so you must not give up.
Eight Pentacles show a worker sitting cross-legged on a bench and energetically working to mint the Pentacles. In his hand he has a hammer and chisel. The Pentacles he has already finished are hanging on a post in front of him. The man is busy finishing the last Pentacles.
The card symbolizes an enthusiastic period when, as an apprentice or student, you want to commit yourself to and practice skills in a new form of study or work. This enthusiasm or period can occur at any time in life. The card represents a person who has either changed direction in life, or who has now started working hard for what he wants.
The card shows something that now is a good time if you want to devote yourself to studies or work on a specific project. It could be developing skills or talents in a particular direction or working towards a dream and fulfilling your potential in a particular direction. The card tells you that what is striving for fulfillment in you is right and will bring you wealth and happiness.
However, be careful and carefully check first whether you have enough peace of mind and physical and financial resources to throw yourself into the new ventures. The card represents thoughtfulness and also tells you that you don’t need to rush anything.
Everything comes to you and unfolds at the right time and place. The card tells you that you will find fulfillment and satisfaction by devoting yourself to work and by immersing yourself in work as much as possible. If you don’t already see work as play, it’s time to learn it and practice it.
Other words that characterize eight Pentacles are: work, perseverance, unfolding, care, thoughtfulness, working methods, the way to the goal, self-discipline, the student, new work, new job, self-employment, building a business, trade, commitment, concentration, success , achievement, ambition, confidence, achievements, rewards, achievement of goals, scholarship, qualifications.
The tarot card is associated with number 8, which means that you must pay attention to this number in relation to the challenge you are asking the tarot about. This is often expressed in the way that in the next 8 days | weeks | months | years it will be advantageous for you to devote yourself to studies or work on a specific project. Success awaits if you are persistent and focused.
I develop myself through work. I find fulfillment through my work. I give myself in the work.
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Arcana Major
The Fool I. The Magician II. High Priestess III. Empress IV. The Emperor V. Hierophant VI. Lovers VII. Chariot VIII. Strength IX. Hermit X. Wheel of Fortune XI. Judge XII. Hanged Man XIII. Death XIV. Temperance XV. Devil XVI. Tower XVII. Star XVIII. Moon XIX. Sun XX. Judgment XXI. World
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