The Five Elements | Soil

Five elements | Water
Five elements | Fire
Five elements | Metal
Five elements | Soil Navigation

Feng Shui
When Earth harmonizes Chi energy

Feng shui has as its essence that the Chi energy is neither too strong nor stagnant. An important tool is the five elements. Since everything in the universe is categorized according to the five elements, the interaction between the five elements – supporting, draining, destructive – is used to harmonize the Chi energy.

Loam, mud, rocks, stones, etc. included in this element. A terracotta pot filled with soil is a perfect earth element. Likewise, a statue is an excellent earth element—provided, of course, that it is made of the earth element; plaster, clay, marble etc. Earth is produced by fire and the earth energy can be amplified by lamps. But earth is destroyed by wood and earth can destroy metal. Therefore, it is a good idea not to have wood energy in land areas.

element soil

Chinese Astrology
When Earth is your lucky element

Your lucky element is calculated from your Ba Zi chart. Strengthening your lucky element will help bring your  weight distribution of the five elements into balance and thus make it easy for you to achieve success, wealth, good health , many friends, happiness and success.

The periods between the four seasons are your lucky periods. Year of the Ox, Year of the Dragon, Year of the Goat and Year of the Dog are your lucky years. The months in the signs; the bull, the dragon, the goat and the dog are your lucky months. The central area of the home is your lucky place. Your lucky color is brown and you should use this color as much as possible, in your home, your clothing etc. Your car, bicycle or other vehicle can be advantageously brown.

You will have more luck if your name has a ‘U’ sound. You will have more luck if your name is associated with Earth. Sweet food is good for you. Take care of your digestive system. Your choice of partner should be someone who has a higher Earth score than yourself. Your job will be easier if you choose a profession or a direction that has something to do with Earth.

element soil

Chinese Astrology
When Earth affects your zodiac sign

Your animal sign is calculated from your time of birth. Since every time in the Chinese almanac is associated with a weight distribution of the five elements, the description of who you are based on your year animal – the animal sign for your year of birth – will be nuanced when looking at the weight distribution of the five elements for your birthday and hour of birth.

The earth element primarily affects what you can call the down-to-earth. Here we are out in the safe, the rock-solid, which is reflected in the fact that the personality is characterized by being stable, down-to-earth, sincere, reassurance-seeking and modest. The person takes great care of his family, his friends, his savings etc.

These people are conservative in their approach, preferring to stick to the safe, the known rather than the uncertain, experimental. They are thus more homely people than social lions, although due to their loyal and devoted nature they often have a large circle of friends. Taking care of their security, they often work hard to ensure this and make a point of having a cosy, nice home.

Five elements | Water
Five elements | Fire
Five elements | Metal
Five elements | Soil Navigation
Ba Zhai Feng Shui
Feng Shui | Ba Zhai | 1
Life aspects 1
Wealth &
Feng Shui | Ba Zhai | 2
Life aspects 2
Recognition &
Feng Shui | Ba Zhai | 3
Life aspects 3
Love &
Feng Shui | Ba Zhai | 4
Life aspects 4
Health &
Feng Shui | Ba Zhai | 5
Life aspects 5
Child &
Feng Shui | Ba Zhai | 6
Life aspects 6
Wisdom &
Feng Shui | Ba Zhai | 7
Life aspects 7
& Jobs
Feng Shui | Ba Zhai | 8
Life aspects 8
& travels
trigram 1
Trigram 1
Qian | Sky
NorthWest | Early winter
Trigram 2
Dui | lake
West | Fall
Trigram 3
Li | Fire
South | Midsummer
Trigram 4
Zhên | Thunder
East | Spring
Trigram 5
Xun | The wind
SouthEast | Mid Spring
Trigram 6
K’an | Water
North | Winter
Trigram 7
Embarrassment | Mountain
NorthEast | Mid Winter
“Keeping Still”
Trigram 8
K’un | Soil
SouthWest | Summer

Kua numbers

Kua number 1 | Compass | Feng Shui
Kua 1
North Fu Wai
Northeast Wu Gui
East Tien Yi
Southern voice Sheng Chi
South Nien Yen
Southwest Jueh Ming
West Huo Hai
Northwest Liu Sha
Kua number 2 | Compass | Feng Shui
Kua 2
North Jueh Ming
Northeast Sheng Chi
East Huo Hai
Southeast Wu Gui
South Liu Sha
Southwest Fu Wai
West Tien Yi
Northwest Nien Yen
Kua number 3 | Compass | Feng Shui
Kua 3
North Tien Yi
Northeast Liu Sha
East Fu Wai
Southeast Nien Yen
South Sheng Chi
Southwest Huo Hai
West Jueh Ming
Northwest Wu Gui
Kua number 4 | Compass | Feng Shui
Kua 4
North Sheng Chi
Northeast Jueh Ming
East Nien Yen
Southeast Fu Wai
South Tien Yi
Southwest Wu Gui
West Liu Sha
Northwest Huo Hai
Kua number 6 | Compass | Feng Shui
Kua 6
North Liu Sha
Northeast Tien Yi
East Wu Gui
Southeast Huo Hai
South Jueh Ming
Southwest Nien Yen
West Sheng Chi
Northwest Fu Wai
Kua number 7 | Compass | Feng Shui
Kua 7
North Huo Hai
Northeast Nien Yen
East Jueh Ming
Southeast Liu Sha
South Wu Gui
Southwest Tien Yi
West Fu Wai
Northwest Sheng Chi
Kua number 8 | Compass | Feng Shui
Kua 8
North Wu Gui
Northeast Tien Yi
East Liu Sha
Southeast Jueh Ming
South Huo Hai
Southwest Sheng Chi
West Nien Yen
Northwest Fu Wai
Kua number 9 | Compass | Feng Shui
Kua 9
North Nien Yen
Northeast Huo Hai
East Sheng Chi
Southeast Tien Yi
South Fu Wai
Southwest Liu Sha
West Wu Gui
Northwest Jueh Ming
Chinese Astrology
Five elements | Wood
Five elements | Fire
Five elements | Soil
Five elements | Metal
Five elements | Water