Reinforce area if…
You would like to travel or move. You want to attract more customers, clients, employees, colleagues, helpful people in your life. You will feel more connected to nature, the holistic, the spiritual.
Area are reinforced by…
Things that promote Chi. Pictures, posters, photos, paintings and figurines of gods, goddesses, angels, saints, friends and places you want to travel to or have visited. Things that matter to you spiritually. White, gray and black colors.

Life area 1
Wealth &
Progress |

Life area 2
Recognition &
Fame |

Life area 3
Love &
Relations |

Life area 4
Health &
Family |

Life area 5
Children &
Creativity |

Life area 6
Wisdom &
Development |

Life area 7
& Job |

Life area 8
& travel |

Trigram 1
Qian | Sky
NorthWest | Early winter
“Creative” |

Trigram 2
Dui | lake
West | Fall
“Joyous” |

Trigram 3
Li | Fire
South | Midsummer
“Clinging” |

Trigram 4
Zhên | Thunder
East | Spring
“Arousing” |

Trigram 5
Xun | The wind
SouthEast | Mid Spring
“Gentle” |

Trigram 6
K’an | Water
North | Winter
“Abyssal” |

Trigram 7
Embarrassment | Mountain
NorthEast | Mid Winter
“Keeping Still” |

Trigram 8
K’un | Soil
SouthWest | Summer
“Receptive” |

Kua 1
North Fu Wai
Northeast Wu Gui
East Tien Yi
Southern voice Sheng Chi
South Nien Yen
Southwest Jueh Ming
West Huo Hai
Northwest Liu Sha |

Kua 2
North Jueh Ming
Northeast Sheng Chi
East Huo Hai
Southeast Wu Gui
South Liu Sha
Southwest Fu Wai
West Tien Yi
Northwest Nien Yen |

Kua 3
North Tien Yi
Northeast Liu Sha
East Fu Wai
Southeast Nien Yen
South Sheng Chi
Southwest Huo Hai
West Jueh Ming
Northwest Wu Gui |

Kua 4
North Sheng Chi
Northeast Jueh Ming
East Nien Yen
Southeast Fu Wai
South Tien Yi
Southwest Wu Gui
West Liu Sha
Northwest Huo Hai |

Kua 6
North Liu Sha
Northeast Tien Yi
East Wu Gui
Southeast Huo Hai
South Jueh Ming
Southwest Nien Yen
West Sheng Chi
Northwest Fu Wai |

Kua 7
North Huo Hai
Northeast Nien Yen
East Jueh Ming
Southeast Liu Sha
South Wu Gui
Southwest Tien Yi
West Fu Wai
Northwest Sheng Chi |

Kua 8
North Wu Gui
Northeast Tien Yi
East Liu Sha
Southeast Jueh Ming
South Huo Hai
Southwest Sheng Chi
West Nien Yen
Northwest Fu Wai |

Kua 9
North Nien Yen
Northeast Huo Hai
East Sheng Chi
Southeast Tien Yi
South Fu Wai
Southwest Liu Sha
West Wu Gui
Northwest Jueh Ming |

Tree |

Fire |

Earth |

Metal |

Water |